The Story of Rena Stewart
A new biography of a 100-year-old Bletchley Park Girl who translated Hitler's will and blazed a trail for women at the BBC.
A new biography of a 100-year-old Bletchley Park Girl who translated Hitler's will and blazed a trail for women at the BBC.
To help launch Rena's story, I'll be giving several talks, including at Bletchley Park's VE Day 80th celebration (Sun 4 May): https://bletchleypark.org.uk/event/ve-1940s-weekend/ & at The National Army Museum, London (Fri 30 May, 12-1 pm). https://www.nam.ac.uk/whats-on/bletchley-park-hitler-and-bbc-story-rena-stewart
Welcome to my website! I'm a new writer with a passion for people stories. Here you can find out about my upcoming book The Story of Rena Stewart: Bletchley Park Girl, Translator of Hitler's Will, and BBC Pioneer, and about my first book, Unbelievable! A Working Country Life. You can also read my blog.
Rena, in her 90s, showing off her commemorative brick in the Codebreakers Wall at Bletchley Park.
Victoria Walsh writes